Energy-Saving Tips for AC Problems—Save Money Each Month!

An air conditioner can account for up to 70 percent of your energy bill during the dog days of summer—and that’s just assuming your unit is running to the best of its ability. Malfunctioning units often cost more to operate each month, which means you’re just throwing money out of the window.

Continue reading to learn how common air conditioner problems could be costing you money each month and what you can do about it:

  • Refrigerant leaks: Because it’s a closed system, ACs should never leak refrigerant. If you have a refrigerant leak on your hands, your unit will be less energy efficient and underperform. Call a pro right away to repair the leak and recharge your unit.
  • Dirty filters: One of our easiest energy-saving tips for AC is to change out your air filters each month. Dirty filters make your AC work harder to cool your home, resulting in higher energy bills.
  • Electric control failure: The electric controls for the compressor and fan can wear out over the years. This may lead to your system cycling on and off more frequently than it should, thus, increasing your electric bill. The best way to prevent this is by scheduling seasonal maintenance.
  • Thermostat problems: If your thermostat is on the fritz, it may tell your AC to kick on more frequently than it actually needs to. Another one of our easy energy-saving tips for AC problems is to invest in a new smart thermostat. These units have better control over your system and can even be operated remotely.

Is it time for a new AC?

If your HVAC technician is always at your house addressing these common air conditioner problems, it may be time to replace your unit. Here are a few benefits of upgrading your system:

  • Reduce energy bills: Even if they’re not facing any of the problems mentioned above, ACs are bound to get less efficient as they age. New Energy Star-rated air conditioners are guaranteed to be more energy efficient. They can even pay for themselves in a few years, thanks to lower bills.
  • Stay cooler throughout the year: Is your unit producing less airflow than it used to? Replacing your air filter or making fan repairs might solve this issue, but, sometimes, the best solution is to replace your unit. New ACs perform better than old ones, keeping you cool throughout the summer.
  • Save money on repairs: Because they’re more time-intensive projects and because parts become harder to find, making repairs for old systems is often more expensive. A new system is less likely to break down, but if it does happen to malfunction, you’ll have a cheaper repair bill.

Talk to our team today

Whether you need a new unit or help solving common air conditioner problems, be sure to call J & B Air Conditioning, Heating, & Gutters. From replacement to repairs and maintenance, we offer a wide array of HVAC services to keep your system in perfect condition. Reach out today to schedule a consultation.

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